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Melissa Ubben – Gilmore City Clerk

cityhall@gilmorecityiowa.com; 515-373-6326

Kathy Carman-Deputy Clerk

clerk@gilmorecityiowa.com; 515-373-6326

Dillon Brundige – Public Works Superintendent

PWDSUPT@gilmorecityiowa.com 515-368-1892 (Dillion Cell)

Jake Peterson-Public Works Assistant


Lorna Naeve – Library Director

gclibrary@gilmorecityiowa.com 515-373-6562

Michelle Bissell – Children’s Librarian

gclibrary@gilmorecityiowa.com; 515-373-6562

Position Descriptions

City Clerk – The City Clerk in Gilmore City has a wide variety of responsibilities. This person is responsible for all financial reporting, utility billing, utility reports, payrolls, accounts payable, accounts receivable, ordinance updates, council minutes, web master, and public relations just to name a few.

Deputy Clerk – Responsible for assisting the City Clerk as needed.

Public Works – The Public Works department is most responsible for keeping your water safe to drink by operating and maintaining the water and wastewater plants. The PWD also handles the gas utilities. Street repairs, maintenance, and snow removal are also their responsibility. Other duties include spraying weeds, mowing, and general maintenance needs.

All City Employees can be reached through City Hall.